These seminars are designed for board members, future board members and owners of condominiums & HOAs
Building a Budget that Works For Your Community:
September 4th, 2014, 12:00 PM
This seminar will show you all the tips and tricks our professionals use to develop a budget for an association. We will show you how we review historical data, project future costs, get input from board members and managers then use this information to draft preliminary budgets for review that do more than just show projected expenditures.
Understanding Association Financial Statements:
October 2nd, 2014, 12:00 PM
This seminar will cover the association monthly and annual financial statements. The seminar will review how to read monthly statements, how they are constructed and just what they mean. We will also go over where the information in the financial statements comes from, how to get a more detailed picture of what is going on and where your association spends its money.
A Double Header
Hour 1: Ethics & Fiduciary Duty
Hour 2: Fundmentals of Reserves
November 6th, 2014, 12:00 PM
In hour one we will cover the ethical questions faced by board members and managers along with the fiduciary duties of board members and managers. We will also cover developing and implementing a Code of Conduct for Board members and proper disclosure of conflicts of interest, including when it is appropriate to abstain from voting. A fast moving hour with lots of input from those in attendance.
In the second hour we will learn about reserves, what you need, when is it approprate to get a reserve study, how to use it for long term planning and what you need to know when ordering a professional reserve study. We include lots of examples of good and bad practices and a few visits to the hall of shame. This course is presented in partnership with Association Reserves
Condominium Elections Getting it Right:
January 6th, 2015, 12:00 PM
This seminar will cover the election process under Florida law. We will address required notices and their timing, notice of intent to run, ballots and properly conducting the count. We will also cover the use of election monitors and election record retention.
All seminars begin at Noon. A light lunch will be served. Seminars will take place in our classroom located in our offices at 2319 N Andrews Avenue. Advance reservations are required for all seminars.
For Reservations Call 954-563-1269
CAM CE Available for $25:00 Processing Fee