Code of Conduct


  1. We will always tell the truth and do the right thing, putting what is good for the association first and foremost.
  2. All phone calls during office hours will be answered by a member of our staff who will do whatever they can to provide assistance, transfer your call to someone that can assist you or take a message and have your call returned in a timely manner.
  3. We shall strive to serve, not just the letter of the law, but also the intent of the law. We will do this by following all laws that govern the association and its operations while treating all owners, board members, and guests of the association with respect. We will do this by following and enforcing the bylaws, governing documents, association rules consistently and without prejudice. We will not enforce rules against one owner without enforcing them against all owners equally.
  4. We will operate with total transparency, making all association records (other than those considered confidential by law) easily available to all owners through our secure online web portal. We will also answer questions from board members and unit owners in a timely manner, honestly, and to the best of our ability.
  5. We will treat all board members, owners, tenants, guests and vendors of the association with respect.
  6. We will make sure our managers, staff and association board members have access to the highest quality continuing education. Education designed to assist them in understanding the legal, ethical, financial and operational aspects of association operations.
  7. We will not solicit or receive any remuneration or payment of any kind from association vendors. We will avoid both true conflicts of interest as well as any appearance of a conflict of interest in all our dealings on behalf of associations we manage.
  8. We will not maintain a preferred vendor list (although we may maintain a list of vendors that have failed to treat association properly in the past or who have delivered subpar performance). We will provide an opportunity to bid on association contracts to any qualifying contractor and will allow the association to continue with their current vendors as long as those vendors are providing satisfactory services to the association and can provide proof of license, liability insurance and workers compensation insurance.
  9. We will provide guidance to the board within our areas of expertise and recommend the use of outside experts when the scope of an activity is beyond or knowledge or qualifications. This includes but is not limited to recommending consulting with association legal counsel, consulting with a qualified engineer or other experts.
  10. Our engagement agreements will be 30 day cancelable and we will maintain our relationship with the associations we manage by delivering the highest quality service available and earning their business every day.
  11. We will provide complete monthly financial reporting that includes not only an income statement and balance sheet but also a complete general ledger listing all transactions, past due owner payments, payables listing and bank reconciliation.
  12. We never comingle association fund with the funds of our firm. All association funds will be maintained in separate bank accounts belonging to the association. Only the designated board members will have check signing and disbursement authority over association funds. We will maintain all reserve funds in a separate association accounts and not permit them to be used except as allowed by law.
  13. We will copy all board members on any communication we have with any one board member, making sure that all members of the board are aware of any requests, issues or problems. Thereby keeping all board members fully informed and avoiding a situation where one board member has or receives information that the whole board does not have access to.
  14. We will not participate in association politics by expressing an opinion on the qualifications of any board members or prospective board members. The choice of who serves on the board is an owner’s choice and we shall not make any attempt to influence an election or its outcome.
  15. We will support the decisions of the board once properly made to the best of our ability even if we do not agree with the decision as long as it does not violate the law or governing documents.
  16. We recognize that all association records and other property being held by management is the property of the association and will return all records and other property to the association or its designated representative promptly at the conclusion of our engagement.
  17. We will never hold up or interfere with the relationship between the association and its employees.  We shall neither ask for nor require association employees, vendors or contractors to agree to or be bound by a non-compete agreement and they shall be free to continue their relationship with the association even if they were procured through or trained by us as management.

We pledge to uphold these standards in how we operate our business and at every association we manage. We will do everything in our power to serve the association, the board of directors, owners and guests with the utmost respect. We make this pledge not only as a company but we also make it as employees and principals of the firm.

Acknowledge by the staff, management and principals of Royale Management Services this _1__ day of March__________ 2000.