Our Services

Our Services

Royale Management Services provides a complete selection of services for communities associations. You and your board of directors determine the level and package of services that best serve the needs of your association. We can handle providing you as little or as much help as you want, from full management service to accounting only service you get just the help that you need at a cost you can afford.

We provide the highest quality, most cost effective management services your community and homeowners will find anywhere.

We carry out a wide range of functions, including:


  • Assist the board in a competitive bidding process for non-emergency services, and provide input in selection of contractors
  • Obtain from each contractor relevant certificates of insurance and licenses
  • Direct contractors providing recurring services, and monitor specific contractor performance to ensure substantial
    compliance with contract specifications
  • Perform regular site inspections in order to maintain a satisfactory knowledge of the condition of the property and
    performance of the contractors
  • Receive service requests for repairs or maintenance of property and report trends in service requests to the board of
  • Arrange for prompt and satisfactory response to emergency service requests
  • Advise board of major problems or trends in maintenance service requests as they occur
  • Provide and monitor our 24 hour emergency telephone service


  • Posting and tracking payments by owners of maintenance fees and assessments
  • Posting check and payment of all vendor invoices and other payable
  • Complete monthly financial statements
  • Budget vs. Actual Comparison
  • Income & Expenses
  • Balance Sheet
  • Reserve Report
  • Cash Flow Statement
  • Statement of Owner Maintenance & Assessments Due & Paid
  • Reconciliation of Bank Accounts
  • Detailed General Ledger
  • Complete Document Imagining all invoices, checks, deposits & original records
  • Preparation of employment and income tax returns
  • Coordination of Annual Audits & Reviews are required by law


  • Collection, Deposit and Posting of all maintenance and assessment payments received
  • Posting of late payment fees to owner accounts and mailing of past due notices
  • Provide a monthly delinquency list to the board of directors with past due balances
  • Preparation and development of annual operating budget with the supervision and input of the board of directors or
    committees appointed by the board.
  • Receive review and approve all vendor invoices and other bills for payment by the association
  • Prepare check for signature of treasurer and/or appropriate board members to pay association expenses and bills
  • Mailings to owners as directed by the board of directors of; approved budgets, annual financial statements, notice of
    annual meeting, board election materials and other items as directed by the board of directors
  • Assist the client’s legal counsel, as necessary, to initiate required legal action consistent with the Association’s
    By-Laws, Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions
  • Maintain all association records as required by law
  • Image and provide Board Members and Owners access to all association records on a secure web portal that allows
    documents to be reviewed and access over the internet


  • Provides Secure Internet Access for board members and owners to the latest association information from their home computer
  • Complete access to monthly financial statements and accounting information
  • Complete access to all paid bills, invoices, past due assessment and other notice
  • Copies of all meeting minuets for board and annual member meetings
  • Copies of all insurance policies and other association contracts
  • Copies of governing documents (Condo / Homeowners Docs)
  • Copies of all rules and association policies
  • Printable forms (Estoppel Letter Request, Owner Information Update, etc.)
  • Association and meeting announcements
  • All documents and records stored on our secure web portal can be down loaded and viewed or  printed by board members and owners on their local computer