FREE Condominium Board Member Certification Classes.

FREE Condominium Board Member Certification Classes

This is not like all those other boring courses taught by lawyers that leave you more confused after the course then you were when it started.

This is a hands on class that will help you understand: the basics of how to keep yourself and your association out of trouble, what’s legal and what not, what it means to be a fiduciary, how boards should function, what record must be kept, what kind of financial information you should get and how to use it and much more.  We take a managers approach to getting things done, avoiding problems and protecting both the integrity or the association and that of the board. Best of all we will provide plenty of time for questions and examples.

If your association is managed this will help you understand the duties of the manager vs those of the board if your association is self-managed you will learn how to stay out of trouble while doing a better job of serving the owners and association.

Classes are held the second Monday of every month at 5:30 PM. Space is limited so be sure to make reservations as early as possible. 

For Reservations call 954-563-1269 between 9AM and 5PM Monday through Friday.