Broward County Emergency Order -20-08 requires pools and pool decks to remained closed unless part of a multifamily housing development, condominium, HOA or hotel and exclusively used by the residents of said property. In addition, capacity must be limited to 50% AND the use of the pool deck and pool must be supervised by a sufficient number of employees or other persons designated by the association during the hours in which it is open.
The employee or person assigned to the pool must sanitize the facilities pool chairs, railings, gates, tables showers, and other equipment on the pool deck on a regular basis; OR all pool furnishings must be removed from the pool deck.
If an association chooses to open their pools and follow these guidelines, those using the pool must maintain social distancing and other requirements as set by the CDC and county and state.
This explanation is not intended to provide legal advice and association boards should review the emergency order and its requirements with their legal counsel before taking any actions.
For a copy of Emergency order 20-08 click here.