We are proud to say that we work with some of the best people, and sometimes that really pays off. Yesterday for example we got a call late in the day that the city building inspector made a surprise visit to one of the properties we manage and was going to pull the occupancy permit forcing all residents to move out unless we could get a letter from an engineer stating that the building was safe and that the cracks were not structural within 48 hours. The call came in at 3:30 PM yesterday, by close of the business day, Lorri Hill, our Executive Director of Property Management had reached out to the Engineer that had already been engaged by the association, Steve Young, President of Howard J. Miller P.E. Inc. and arranged for him to meet her at the building first thing this morning so he could inspect the items that were concerning the city inspector and provide the assurances needs to prevent residents from being forced out. Steve Young and Howard J. Miller P.E. Inc. have worked with our firm on a number of projects and were already working to coordinate and oversee the concrete restoration on this property beginning in January 2022. He and his firm responded to this emergency like the true professionals they are, proving once again that choosing the best consultants and vendors really pays off. Both the association and those of us here at management can’t thank them enough.