Legislative Watch Florida

The following bills have been introduced or are currently under consider in the Florida Legislature; SB 580: Homeowners’ Associations was filed on 02/01/2013 this bill would require board members of HOAs to certify that they have read the association documents and that they will up hold their certification for fiduciary responsibility to the members, or that they have completed an educational course approved by the state.
HB 73 is a bill containing the legislative addenda of the Community Advocacy for 2013 any you may want to take a look at this and let your elected representatives know what you think.

SB 596 contains the following changes, among others, for Florida HOAs: 

  • Renames the Division of Florida Condominiums, Timeshares and Mobile Homes to the Division of Florida Condominiums, Homeowners' Associations, Timeshares and Mobile Homes.
  • Requires state oversight and regulation of HOAs.
  • Collects a $4.00 per home fee to pay for oversight. 
  • Requires the same election procedure for HOAs that condominiums currently employ.
  • Creates a new office entitled the Office of the Community Association Ombudsman which office must be filled by an attorney licensed in Florida and appointed by the Governor. 
  • Allows the Division to impose a civil penalty against a developer, or association, or its assignee or agent for any violation of Chapter 720, F.S. or a related rule.

At 124 pages the bill contains a lot of other provisions as well and makes an interesting read for those who want to know more or would like a look into the legislative process.

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LCAM Contributor