For the Non-Lawyers Among Us.
This is the place to find updates of legal desicions that effect Condominiums, HOAs and Coops. The information is not ment to provide legal advice, it is ment to help you understand that constently changing legal enviorment that board, managers and owners find themselfs living in today. If we accomplish one thing here we hope it will be to demonstrate what often seem like it should be simple is not simple and that consulting experts like experenced community association attornies and managers can often go a long way to preventing problems.
Owners Agree to Live to Play by the Rules When They Buy Into a Condominium Association — 04/13/16
By: Jacob A Weil, J.D. candidate at Barry University School of Law
Agreements Made By Individual Owner’s Do Not Bind the Association as a Whole — 04/05/16
By: Jacob A Weil, J.D. candidate at Barry University School of Law
Keeping Accurate Minutes Could Protect Your Association — 03/29/16
By: Jacob A Weil, J.D. candidate at Barry University School of Law